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The Institute for Applied Space Research is a chartered Institute of the School of Engineering and Applied Science of the George Washington University. SACRI is dedicated to providing GWU with a center for research and development in the field of space communications. SACRI has concluded an experiment on the NASA Advanced Communications Technology Satellite (ACTS) with a team consisting of COMSAT, INTELSAT, General Telephone and Electronics, Lockheed Martin Corporation, Sony USA, Goddard Space Flight Center, and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. SACRI has successfully concluded a first Trans-Pacific High Data Rate Experiment on HDTV, and is currently involved in the second phase experiment with remote medical imaging and remote astronomy applications. The state-of-the-art applications are sent and received in an interactive format at high data rates up to OC-3 (155 Mb/s).

The Institute for Applied Space Research is located at
2033 K. St, NW Suite 340
Washington D.C., 20052
Phone: 202-994-5509
Fax: 202-994-5505